Panama Canal Cruise 2020 - Day 2
We were up and out on the bus by 8:30 am for a day of touring old Panama.
Captain Morgan
There is a long history of the Spanish settling Panama and using its ports to plunder gold from the indigenous people. There is also a lot of history regarding pirates in Panama. Many operated from Jamaica under letters of marque from England to attack Spanish treasure ships. One of the pirates, Henry Morgan (Captain Morgan) attacked Panama. During the attack, the governor stampeded two herds of cattle into the pirates. The cattle became disoriented and trampled the Spanish. A local priest heard that Morgan was planning to attack the city. The priest dismantled his gold inlaid altar and hid it in a ship. When Morgan arrived he was surprised to see the altar under construction, The legend tells that Morgan asked where was the altar? The priest replied it was under construction. Would Morgan like to make a contribution to help build the altar?
What’s in a name?
We had lunch at the Bridgeview restaurant. There is no bridge and no view but the food was good.
Biodiversity Museum
Another attraction we visited was the Biodiversity museum which displays the amazing types flora and fauna in Panama.
Infinity Pool
Our hotel has an infinity pool that overlooks the Panama City metro area.
A view of the Panama Canal. It is very tropical.