Day 46 - murder and mayhem

Miles cruised 0, Fuel purchased 0, slip fee $67.50, daily high temperature 83*F

Today is a critical day. We will find out if our mechanical issue is a quick fix or a trip stopper. It is overcast which is good so it will not be too hot this morning. If we end up stranded here for a few days it is a good location, We can walk to all the stores and the local cigar bar gave out free drink coupons. Lisa the Port St. Joe marina manager says many boaters come here for a day and stay for weeks and months.



Robert the mechanic and his son Tim arrived at 10:00 am as promised. A good start. Robert disconnected the electronic gear shift and I started the starboard engine. The transmission is still locked in gear. He checked the recently replaced transmission oil and it has a burnt odor. He commented that the clutch might be burned out and went off to find a gauge to measure the transmission pump pressure.

Robert has recommended we install a new transmission since the cost of a refurbished transmission is close to the new price and the new one has a much better warranty. He has not committed to a time frame until he can locate a new unit but he has tossed around timing of 1.5 to 3  weeks. I am no longer checking the weather window to cross the gulf to Tarpon Springs. We will get to know all there is to know about Port St. Joe.

We met David a cast net fisherman on the seawall across from out boat.  David has a seamless gutter installation business. He used to be the maintenance manager for a woman that owned 30 rental properties. When she passed away his friend that owned an Ace hardware store told him to get into the seamless gutter installation business. He claims to be doing very well. He charges $10 a foot installed. His longest single run so far is 192′. He has a metal plate in the back of his neck so he gets his exercise throwing his fish net. He advised he once caught 92 mullet in three casts,   I will get the story regarding the metal plate and report back.



I asked David about the sailboat that was in the thin water next to the marina. He said the local story about it is that someone died on the boat and then it was stolen. The thief ran it aground and walked away. The locals instantly stripped everything of value off it. The authorities cannot find anyone to charge to pay to haul the boat away so it has been there for two years already.



A view of CL from the breakwater where our new friend David was casting his net to catch mullet.



Bonus photo – Jimmy Buffett showed up at the Meeting of the Minds extravaganza in Key West. The faithful were rewarded with a personal appearance from Bubba. This only happens every 3 – 4 years. I was in the front row several years ago.



Carl (Chef) Wooden – quote for the day

“Of all the things that man has made, none is so full of interest and charm, none possesses so distinct a life and character of its own, as a ship.” » Henry Van Dyke